Thursday, March 26, 2009

Marketing Real Estate to Gen X & Y

Top 10 things we must know about Generation X:
Born 1965–1979 • Age in 2009: 30–44 yrs

1. Are distrustful of marketing.
2. Look for a balance between work and play.
3. Close to their parents. Live at home longer.
4. Are not drawn to traditional forms of advertising (i.e., hyping up products).
5. More family-oriented than their parents’ generation.
6. Tech-savvy and expect to do everything online.
7. Comprise more than half the market for the nation’s new construction of homes.
8. Prefer products based on their practicality.
9. Functionality is key in their home design choices.
10. Typically shop around for a number of months.

Top 10 things we must know about Generation Y:
Born 1980–1990 • Age in 2009: 19–29 yrs

1. More racially diverse (1 in 3 is not Caucasian.)
2. Line between work and home doesn’t really exist—spend their time in meaningful and useful ways, no matter where they are.
3. Preoccupied with their appearance.
4. Open to new ideas and new products.
5. Avid television viewers.
6. Even more tech-savvy than Gen X—don’t know a world without the internet.
7. Buying homes younger than Gen X, average buyer is 26.
8. Tend to prefer new homes.
9. More into ‘green’ design than previous generations.
10. Revisit homes more than any other group before making a decision.

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